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Fo's Yo' Mama

Tuesday, January 9, 2023

Membership Benefits

Did you know? Collegiate membership in NSBE is high recommended to grow professionally in the STEM field. Not only does this organization help you secure the bag before and even after you graduate, but NSBE is here to grow you academically and socially! This nationally-wide student organization offers multiple events, catered to minorities in the engineering field. But, just because National Society of Black Engineers is an organization meant for increasing the number of black engineers, doesn't mean that you have to be one to join. This is a family, a support system, and a safe space for you.


How do I get involved?

Being an active member is the simple answer. An active member is someone who participates in most (if not all) of NSBE events, whether that be social, professional, or volunteering. Your attendance matters! A step further is becoming an executive board member. A role where you can put your passion into play!

When and Where?

NIU NSBE has General body meetings once a week in the Holmes Student Center. The dates change by semester so make sure you join our NIU email list or discord where we post any announcements or updates for our meetings!


What are the benefits?

‘If I dedicate my time and energy for NSBE as a member, what do I get out of it?’ Our response is, ‘So much!’ Referring to our mission statement, we are here to help you in the professional field, in the academic setting, and social department. NIU NSBE’s motto is “Don’t do it alone.” We care about who you are and your progress as a black engineer.


We offer study tables every week. A night long study session where you can study with others who hold you accountable, study breaks, and study music! Also, you have access to alumni willing to assist you with any homework struggles that they’ve already tackled.


Conferences is the biggest benefit you can get from NSBE. Twice an academic year, our chapter goes to a different city or state for 3-5 days. Career fairs, workshops, banquets, parties, competitions, and a place to sightsee with your chapter!


Another benefit that many long-term members can agree with, is that you get a family! College is not easy, the classes are hard, finding friends are hard, but finding where you belong is the hardest. Remember, “Don’t do it alone”? Joining our organization, you won’t ever have to do anything by yourself, whether that be struggling or celebrating. We are all here to support you!

Want to familiarize with NSBE and its goals, laws, and customs? Look over these documents and develop a deeper understanding of what it is we do and strive to accomplish for the future black populace!

2025 Strategic Plan

Code of Conduct

National Constitution

National Bylaws

NSBE Facts

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